Track Operations

Track Operations:

  1. A full pull is 100’ for most events.
  2. If the sled operator is not comfortable with who is first in line to set the sled, they reserve the right to pick any tractor in the class to set the sled or “test” to determine a fair sled setting.
  3. Once the sled is set, the “test” puller has the choice use their distance as their official first round distance or may forfeit and return to their original position in the line-up order for another first round attempt. Additionally, if the sled operator determines the sled to be set and the test puller was unable to make a “full pull”, the test puller has the option to immediately make another attempt, in which case this new distance will be their official first round distance. The decision for an additional attempt must be made prior to disconnecting chain from tractor.
  4. “Wild Card” If a puller does not make a full pull in the first round, they will get a second hook at the same weight setting as the first round.
  5. A driver has the option to spot the sled. This is done by placing the traffic cone in the center line of sled. This must be done prior to sled returning from previous pull!
  6. A driver has 3 minutes from the time they are called to hook the sled. If there is a delay caused by a mechanical issue, they may be able to drop to the last puller in that round per Official’s discretion.
  7. All tractors are to start pull with a tight chain. No jerking!
  8. Re-starts: A pull may be restarted if first attempt is stopped less than 20 feet from start for mechanical or other issue per Official’s discretion.
  9. If two or more pullers make a “full pull” in any given round, they advance to the next round. They will remain in the same order as the previous round.
  10. If any part of a tractor (including weights) falls off tractor while pulling it will be disqualified.
  11. Any part of tractor touching the boundary line during a pull will result in disqualification. There is no out-of-bounds once a tractor completely passes the full pull mark.
  12. No portion of tractor shall interfere with the sled hitch during a pull.
  13. No one is allowed on the track during a pull other than the tractor driver and SHS officials. The only exception is a parent/guardian in the stock class. (conduct rules)
  14. No driver shall bounce on the seat or stand for any reason while pulling. Driver must keep at least one hand on steering wheel at all times during the pull. (conduct rules)
  15. Stock Class speed restriction: 4MPH max. Horn will sound over this speed and run will be disqualified. (Stock class rules)